Students at ASU walking around campus

Blog Post Archive

SmartResume’s LER Ecosystem SmartReport

For the third year in a row, ASU — including TLN and ASU Pocket — is featured in SmartResume’s LER Ecosystem SmartReport, securing its spot as a leader in the LER and verifiable credential space.

Person typing on laptop

For TLN and ASU Pocket, ensuring data privacy and security is paramount. Find out how they are incorporating verifiable digital credentials and self-sovereign identity (SSI) to give learners and earners full control over their personal data.

EduTrends Podcast

Kate Giovacchini recently joined the EduTrends podcast to discuss the future of digital credentials.

Digital connection

Explore the findings from our My Skills Pocket pilot, a collaboration between the TLN, the Center for the Future of Arizona and Karsten’s ACE Hardware.

Donna Kidwell and Kate Giovacchini

Kate Giovacchini (TLN and ASU Pocket) and Donna Kidwell (University of Toronto) recently explored the evolving concept of trust and its implications in digital education during a virtual fireside chat to celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Student on iPad and laptop computer

Learn how TLN is collaborating with SmartResume on its first technology integration with a third party service provider.

Paint cans on shelf

TLN and ASU Pocket collaborate with Center for the Future of Arizona to give earners the ability to share their stories through verifiable credentials.

Two pieces of paper with charts on one and a resume on the other next to a computer

Explore how verifiable credentials can complement resumes in the hiring process.

graphic from LER Ecosystem map website

We are a proud supporter of the recently released LER Ecosystem Map, and pleased that TLN Executive Director Kate Giovacchini is quoted in the Governance section of the Map.