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TLN Unconference 2022 Top Topics Defined

In 2022, participants will reimagine digital credentials to empower lifelong learners. Here are the five topics we will tackle together:


1. Refining the value proposition of digital credentials for learners and earners.

Guiding questions for the day:

  • How do digital credentials help lifelong learners market themselves and their skills to educators and employers?
  • Do digital credentials speak to the essential value of education? Is that critical to the value proposition?
  • What do we lose and gain by framing the conversation around learners? Around earners?

2. Connecting diverse learning experiences and credentials to work and advancement.

Guiding questions for the day:

  • What key threads and experiences will bind learning to career attainment and advancement?
  • Where are we making advancements into the employment space as a digital credential community? Who is leading the way and how can their success inform others?
  • Where are we struggling to make headway in the learning/employment march?

3. Defining and delivering empowerment for learners and earners

Guiding questions for the day:

  • How do digital credentials allow lifelong learners to shape their lives and futures?
  • What do we mean when we say ‘empowerment’? Do we mean anything? Everything?
  • What is the pathway to shared ownership of data? Full ownership by the learner? Is this a meaningful goal to work toward?

4. Evaluating the state of governance, trust and value for learners, issuers and verifiers

Guiding questions for the day:

  • Who should learners trust when it comes to digital credential issuers and verifiers? How?
  • Are we ready and able to harness ‘trustless’ technology to deliver value? Is this a valuable goal or an unattainable aspiration?
  • Has the value of credentials increased or decreased since this journey began?

5. Harnessing digital identity for lifelong learners and their digital credentials.

Guiding questions for the day:

  • How is the digital identity conversation advancing to meet and exceed the needs of learners – now and in the future? How can we grow?
  • Does self-sovereign identity privilege some learners while leaving others behind? How do we combat the risk of creating equity gaps with our technology?
  • What is the state of the wallet ecosystem?
  • How will learners navigate new digital identity expectations? How can we help them adapt?
Students working on project together with sticky notes